Companies 'need to respond to printed brochure requests'
Not enough companies are responding to online requests for printed brochures, it has been suggested.
Printed brochures are important to retailers' sales and they need to ensure they respond promptly to requests for the items.
That is according to Sally Hollis, chair of the Direct Marketing Association Response Management Council, who was remarking on new research conducted by the body.
In the study, analysts posed as prospective customers requesting brochures from the websites of 200 UK-based firms over a variety of sectors.
It found 19 per cent of retail and service industry organisations made no response to the request for information.
Ms Hollis commented: "While the UK online economy may be booming, the findings should be a warning to business as more and more shoppers are using both the web and catalogues to purchase goods."
Earlier this month, Christina Davis - writing for the Worcester Business Journal Online - suggested firms ought to incorporate social media marketing into everything they do, such as their printed brochures.
Published: 29th October 2010
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